Product downloads

All product downloads are provided as regular ZIP or self-extracting EXE files. Proteax Core and Proteax for Spreadsheets downloads come with a trial license included.

Proteax for Spreadsheets

The installer includes a trial license valid for at least 75 days from the day of download.

Microsoft Excel® users

  • Proteax for Spreadsheets 3.3 2023-03 [15.2 MB download; 51.4 MB unpacked]
    This version supports 32- and 64-bit Microsoft Excel® from version 2007 through 2019 and Office 365.
    Runs on 32- or 64-bit Windows® Windows 7 or later.
    Includes example data. Requires no special privileges to install.

    For a version that is suitable for corporate silent deployment, or terminal server installations, please for additional documentation and help.

OpenOffice/LibreOffice users

  • Please check "Older versions" below for a Proteax 2.4 version for OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

Older versions

[Image: Proteax for Spreadsheets screenshot.]

Proteax Core

This is a full download of the Proteax toolkit for 32- and 64-bit Windows and Linux. Comes with language bindings for Python, Pascal, and C/C++ (bindings for .NET and Java available on request).

  • Windows: Proteax Core 3.3 2023-03 [10.5 MB download; 32.2 MB unpacked]
    Linux: Proteax Core 3.3 2023-03 [15.0 MB download; 32.7 MB unpacked]
    The download includes a trial license valid for at least 75 days from the day of download.
    The Windows download is a self-extracting archive in EXE format. If you don't want to run the self-extracting code you can unpack the archive with 7-zip. The only thing you may miss when you unpack the archive manually is a desktop shortcut to the Proteax home directory.
    Please note - there is currently no installer for Proteax Core. Consult the download's "Install_and_Wrapper_Guide.pdf" document for installation instructions. This product is suitable only for developers and people comfortable with a command line. If you are looking for a quick test of Proteax you should try the spreadsheet version instead.
    The ProteaxAdmin (modification database administrator) and PlnEditor (simple Protein Line Notation editor) applications can however be run directly without installation as soon as you have unpacked the downloaded archive.

Older versions

[Image: Proteax Desktop screenshot.]

Proteax Cartridge

Proteax is available for use in Oracle® and Postgres® database servers. The Oracle cartridge and the Postgres extension adds SQL functions to the database so you can manipulate protein and peptide records directly in the database.

Proteax is available for Oracle 10, 11, and 12 and for Postgres 9.x or later.

Please if you want to try Proteax in your database.

[Image: Proteax Cartridge screenshot.]

Proteax KNIME nodes

Follow the instructions at the Proteax KNIME nodes download site to install the extension. To successfully run the Proteax KNIME nodes you need to have Proteax Desktop 2.0 or later installed (downloading and unpacking the Proteax Desktop ZIP-file is all that is required for KNIME usage).

Note: The KNIME nodes do not yet support Proteax 3.x.

[Image: Proteax KNIME nodes screenshot.]

Utilities and tools downloads

Rendering tools

The open source rendering tools convert Proteax rendering info text into graphics. The rendering tools are available as Delphi / Free Pascal, C#, Adobe ActionScript (Flash), Java, and JavaScript code and can be readily incorporated into your own applications or web pages.

  • Rendering tools 2011-01-14 [251 kB download]

    If you experience a corrupted download, please try the password-protected zip version - the password is "bcf".

    Includes source code and test suite for all supported implementations.

    The 2011-01-14 update fixes a minor issue with the Java molecule renderer.
[Image: Proteax molecule and sequence graphics examples.]

Integration tools

Oracle utilities

  • PYPL: Oracle -> Python cartridge, 2014-11-02
    Simple cartridge that lets you call Python scripts from Oracle PL/SQL.
    Open Source, BSD-licensed.
    Release 2014-11-02 adds support for Windows servers.
  • Journalling package
    Package that implements full journalling of Oracle tables.
    NOTE: Update 2011-10-07: Now supports table names longer than 23 characters.
  • Oracle schema DDL backup
    Simple scripts for backing up schema DDL and submitting changes to a version control system.
    NOTE: Update 2015-10-05: Add dump of privileges made (grants).